Wednesday, September 24, 2008


The first documented cruise. That's what we call it in the industry when you walk along an object while holding on. It's, like, a big deal, man.

Hey Mr. Tambourine Jack

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Wild weekend: new old friends, action scenes, and forts

Another great weekend.

On Friday, I met Mom and Dad's great old friend Alison, who is now my friend because she is the #1 Jack Attack viewer in Pennsylvania and she brought me gifts, including an awesome hammer and nail set. I knew exactly what to do with the hammer: bash it!
I also had my first successful feline hunting expedition. Footage of my conquest (touching) is here.

Stella knew exactly what to do, though, as soon as I got a touch.

Dad and I had some great play time, and built a cool fort.

We also filmed this action-packed scene of destruction.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

More Larson pics

Great Grandpa Larson and I read the paper together

Then he let me try on his marine ball cap.

Great Grandma Larson and I played music together - I love the tambourine!

We had fun laughing and playing together

I tried a bunch of new foods last weekend: calamari, salmon, mashed potatoes and my favorite: corn on the cob!

I can't wait to see you guys at Thanksgiving!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Larsons abound

Grandpa, Great-Grandpa and Great-Grandma Larson came to visit mom and me this weekend. We had a blast - I think I wore everyone out! Here is a quick photo from tonight. I will post more tomorrow.

PS - Dad, I really missed you while you were in NY this weekend.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Videos of the week

Bath time is a special time before I go to bed. It really calms me down and gets me ready for sleep.

And here's three minutes of my life. This is mostly what I do in my spare time: yell, stand up, sit down, hit furniture, eat cameras, and use the rubber edges of my mat as an all-purpose wand. Enjoy.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Happy 8-month birthday!!!

My eight-month birthday was celebrated with Cheerios and watching the Seahawks stink it up on TV.

Getting the above picture wasn't easy, especially when I was eating the props!

So funny

Friday, September 5, 2008

First baseball game: Ms v. Yankees

We had Dad's firm's sweet seats and brought birthday boy Peter and birthday gal Suzanne. Sure the Mariners won the game, but the real winners were all of the fans (of mine) around me.

First there was the clapping.

This is too obvious, right?

The mood a Safeco was electric.

You know those crazy people that listen to the game while they're at the game? Cool, Pete.

And, the family.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

I slept for eleven (11) hours last night

No pictures or videos of this amazing event, because everyone was asleep! Hallelujah.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

lazy end of summer days

Vija and I took a nap in the hammock today.

Then nanny Celeste took us to Alki Beach for some play time. That's me standing up holding the stroller. Oh yeah, I taught Vija to crawl today!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Videos from Bellingham dudes' trip

Grandpa Rob helped me discover my rhythm.

And in exchange, I rearranged his CDs.

But where is his copy of Sesame Street Platinum Hits?

Finally, Grandma Connie and Auntie Rachel gave me my first set of wheels. I was very serious about the responsibility that comes with driving. As you can see, I'm all business behind the wheel.