Sunday, May 31, 2009


The fans are demanding an update! Let me catch you up on my busy busy week.

Giving Auntie Sara a big wet birthday kiss. Watch out ladies!

Memorial day: while Dad's frisbee team had practice, I ran around and played. Then I had lots of fun at Drew's BBQ and showed off my elephant noise making skills to some nice girls (aka flirting) and moved lots of rocks around the backyard.

Now on to this weekend - another summer weather preview (hopefully) in Seattle. Lovin' being outside, especially if water is involved. WARNING: there are some naked pictures here. Proceed with caution.

House update: making great progress on the new roof.

Some interior shots - this is the new master bedroom.

The new expanded living room.

A few cool shots of the inside of our huge new roof.

This last old exterior wall is coming down - maybe this week. Also this week: roofing materials, siding, new retaining wall/terraces in back, windows? I'll have much to report on in a few days!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Sunny Seattle

The sun is out in Seattle so I have been kickin' it outside most days. Check out the new water table for me to play with in the backyard. I can't get enough water! (PS - do you think it is time to mow the lawn mom & dad???)

My obsession with water continues. I battled it out with the hose for awhile but couldn't figure out how to turn it on ... yet.

Hanging at the park.

Enjoying a Mariner's baseball game with dad's friends. I really got into the wave.

Better late than never!

Mmmmmm - salty.

Happy Birthday Sara! We spent the day at the park playing and I even got to go in the freezing water a little bit. Oh the joy!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Beam me up

Summer might be here so Vija and I hit the beach with new nanny Crystal after having lunch with Immediate Past Nanny Lacy. We were all happy!

We also stopped by the job site so I could oversee the lifting of trusses and huge beams onto our roof frame.

After my work crew was finished for the day, Mom and Dad came by to inspect my handiwork. Check out that roof beam.

This thing might actually look like a house soon.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Remodel Update

Aren't houses supposed to have a roof?

Above: Looking from the dining room into the living room.
Below: Vice versa.

Well, we will hopefully get a new one this week.

California with Grandma and Grandpa Larson

Mom and Dad were partying with Auntie Elise and Uncle Josh, respectively, all over California, so I stayed at home with Grandma and Grandpa Larson in Sacramento. It was about 100 degrees and I was naked 99% of the time. Awesome.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy second Mother's Day, Mom! What did we do?
Mom slept in forever while Dad and I hung out. I took a three-hour nap(!) and we caught the end of Dad's ultimate game. The team's "white board" says it all:

I got some playing time in between games. With the "skins" team, obviously. Hit me, I'm goin' deep.

We went to Matthews Beach Park for some sand, surf, and fun.

I took another big nap and woke up with a Class A case of bedhead but still looked great for a Mothers Day portrait with Mom. Love You!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy GrandMothers Day

Grandma Connie was down from Bellingham to hang with me overnight. Mom and Dad were able to go out for a date on Friday night. Sushi and grocery shopping and home by 9 pm. Cool date, guys!

We orchestrated an early (Grand)Mothers Day surprise by inviting Auntie Kath and Uncle Geoff over for brunch. Boy was Grandma surprised!!! My bulging, exposed belly was here for the surprise, too!

And we met Uncle Geoff's special friend Darin too!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Bye bye Lacy

Today was cousin Lacy's last day as my nanny; she had to go get a "real" job. I am pretty bummed out. But I know I'll see her soon since she is family and all. Lacy - it has been really fun hanging out each week! I miss you already. Maybe you can have your peeps call my peeps and arrange a lunch date soon?

Oh, memories.

Happy 16 month birthday to this guy! I guess that makes me 1 and 1/3 years old - officially a toddler for sure.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Zoo fun

Mom and I went to the Zoo today. I really liked the bronze baboon at the entrance. I tried to give him some food and my pacifier - the ultimate demonstration of friendship.

Next up was the petting zoo - I loved the goats! I also really liked washing my hands after the petting zoo.

The most beautiful peacock I have ever seen.

Exploring with my friend Davis (on the left) in the big worm play area.

The baby gorilla at the zoo is about the same age as me. She likes a lot of the same things that I like: climbing on dangerous objects, hanging on her dad's back, jumping from place to place and generally being silly.

Penguins! See my reflection in the glass? I could have stayed and watched these guys swim all day. I did not want to leave.

But alas I was lured away the the danger of climbing in a boat.

Davis joined me and we shared a little friend moment until I hugged him too hard and he fell over. Apparently there aren't too many kids (or animals for that matter) that are fans of the tackle hug that I have mastered. I just don't know my own strength.

Back at home practicing my newest feat - I can climb up on the coffee table all by myself. While precariously balancing, watch as I now take off my own socks - yes, you saw it here folks - I can take off both of my own socks while on the coffee table. Amazing. Another fun day completed!