Wednesday, September 30, 2009

New house pics

Here are some updated pictures of our house. I still have a lot of work to do unpacking toys and undoing the work mom does each day/night - wish me luck!

Kitchen again (note my fine artwork on the fridge):

Living room/my playroom (see my new golf clubs? thanks bapa Larson!)

Living room looking towards all of my toys and the dining room:

Dining room (I like to sit on the bench to eat dinner - I am so over high chairs and booster chairs):

Mommy & Daddy's bedroom

Kitty Sophie parading through her new digs.

New backyard! It is almost done! I can't wait to play outside. The rocks are calling to me (don't worry - the other half of the flat part will be grass).

Grandpa Larson has been here all week but since Dad took the little camera to Ireland mom hasn't taken any pictures. We have done so many fun things too! Park, zoo, Mariner's baseball game, art class. I guess I will just have to imprint the images in my brain. That should work out well don't you think?

Saturday, September 26, 2009

California was fun

Mom and I went down to California for the memorial service of great aunt Fran Wysocki. It was great to see the family.

We got to stay with Great Grandma and Grandpa Larson in Arroyo Grande. L to R: Uncle Josh, Auntie Elise, Great Grandpa Larson, mom and me, and Great Grandma Larson

Playing on a really old tricycle at Aunt Fran's house.

Grandpa Larson took me on a fun wagon ride up the driveway.

Riding an old tractor

I learned how to shoot a water gun- oops! I shot myself in the eye!

Auntie Elise and I teamed up and brought the house down.

Show down with Iris

Watching a lizard get caught.

Then I got to touch it - eeww!

All the grand-cousins. L to R: Jack, Iris, Roxie and Johnny

I went back to Sacramento with Grandma and Grandpa Larson while mom went to work for a few days. Grandma got me a new bed - I ended up on the floor by morning but slept well all the same.

Bye bye Grandma!

Grandpa came back to Seattle with us and is staying for almost 2 weeks! yipee!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Saturday, September 12, 2009

A typical school morning

Each day is typically some variation of the following. Lots of walking around eating and not eating things, demanding random objects I see, making the parents sweat, and then charming their pants off. Then we walk to school.

Home again

What a week! we moved home and have been busy unpacking. today was our neighborhood block party - I shot some hoops with dad and we also had a visit from the local fire department.

First attempt at a basket didn't go so well...

But then I really got the hang of things.

I was first in line when the fire truck pulled up.

The nice fireman passed out stickers.

Dad and I were just about to tour the cab when they got called out to respond. it was cool to see the lights.

First dinner in our new house!! Big thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Thomas for watching me while mom and dad worked hard moving all of our stuff.

Here I am enjoying a bagel (especially the cream cheese) just before our move (and before mom washed the couch covers). Mmmmm - good.

Mom says to tell you that we will post more pictures of the house once we have unpacked a bit more. things are a little crazy right now.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Moving Home

Yep, that's right folks. We are moving home! Tomorrow is the big day. Here is a tour of the house: