Monday, February 20, 2012

Anna's first day of school

Anna matriculated at Sand Point Child Development Center on February 13, 2012. Attending M, W, Th. She is in the toddler class taught by Chessie Snider. She is the youngest student, by far, but she has her big brother to keep her company and show her the ropes.

Leaving the house on the first day. Waffle and all.

With Mom at school.

Jack shows Anna where everything is, while Mom stocks Anna's cubby.

With Dad and Jack.

Going for the studious look.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Anna's 18 month update

Anna at 18 months:
-Height: 2'8"
-Weight: 22 lbs. 6 0z.
-Head: Huge (96th percentile)
-Words: Anna, Jack, Mama, Dada, Lacy, Fish, Dog, Cheese, Shoe, Duck, Up, Any animal noise you can think of, all done, uh-oh, blueberries, poo, no.

Loving her big brother.