I have a genetic disposition to nap-overs. As you may know, this is like a hangover, but from a nap, not booze. Just as crippling, so I am told. With my little cold and a two-hour afternoon nap, I wasn't feeling fresh-as-a-daisy upon waking.

Dad tried to cheer me up.

Finally, success: a smile.

I've just been a bit sniffley the past few days, and, nap-overs aside, I'm still in top form. Let's see, first I rocked out to some strange Canadian AM-rock station I found on Dad's alarm clock.
I chased Stella away, burped, and attacked the camera.
Watched the Oscars, enthralled, and mindlessly ate Pirate's Booty. Strangely, I've never paid any attention to TV before. It must have been the dazzling singing and dancing spectacle of the opening number. I DO love to dance, you know.
Finally, what's a cold without nose blowing? I gave Mom and Dad the message that I needed to blow my nose by unrolling an entire roll of toilet paper in the living room. Naturally, this followed.