Here are a few fun facts about me at 1.5 years old:
A list of some of the words I can say:
No, all done!, yeah, hi, mama, dada, bapa (grandpa), bama (grandma), no, bye bye, night-night, car, airplane, no, motorcycle, more, milk, kitty, outside (si), up, down, no, bagel, wow, cool, cheese, booty (pirate snack), granola bar, noodle, no, water, eieieo, moon, duck, home, Elise, Josh, no, Vija, Lacy, Crystal, Katelynn, spoon, fork, no, poop, frisbee, ball, elmo, shoes, no, cracker, blueberry, banana, bath, bird, no and no.
I can also make lots of animal noises: monkey, kitty, dog, elephant, duck, pig, sheep, frog, birds, lion/tiger/bear, owl, and cow.
I can understand almost everything - mom said a bad word one day and I said it back! ha!
I weigh about 24 pounds now. My favorite foods are water, ice, milk, cheese, bagels, salami and noodles. I also love granola bars and pirate booty. Not a huge fan of fruit or veggies even though mom and dad try to make me eat them every day. Eating is much easier now that I have 9 teeth too.
I am obsessed with being outside and playing with water. Seriously, I go nuts about it. Nuts. I have also introduced temper tantrums to mom and dad - it is pretty fun to see how they react. I am not a fan of timeouts though.
I do like to help out around the house occasionally - I pick up some toys (then dump them out again), tear lettuce for dinner salads, carry silverware from the d/w to the drawer, and ride in the laundry basket while dad carries it to and from the washing machine and dryer. I help "wash" the floors by spitting out water. Sometimes I even wipe up spilled milk.
My favorite things to do are: play with water, jump, do gymastics/trampoline, run, destroy things, dance, play with the computer and skype with my family, give hugs and kisses, and talk on the phone (or anything that looks like a phone).
In a nutshell, life is good at 1.5! I leave you with this:
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