Sunday, February 7, 2010

Superbowl weekend

Mom and Dad have been trying to limit my use of the pacifier (affectionately called "paci") these days now that I am a big 2 year old. Here is what I have to say in response:

This morning dad and I made fresh chocolate chip cookies to take up to Grandpa Rob. I really love to help cook. Here's my new "smile" face again too.

We drove up to Lynden today to watch the superbowl with Grandpa Rob and all his buddies. I had a great time tearing the house up. Geaux Saints!


Tamara said...

ha! Cai did the same thing yesterday with the pacis and he'll be 3 on Wednesday! He really only gets them for bedtime but sometimes he slips into old habits. One day we'll kick it!

Anonymous said...

More paci power to you, Jack!
united in binkies,
Audrey Bernadette