Sunday, July 25, 2010

Other happenings

Now that summer is finally here, we are spending copious amounts of time outside at the local parks, especially after dinner.

Also, you may remember that I am expecting a baby brother or sister soon - any day really. Here is a pic of mom's growing belly. I am not sure what to make of it other than it is hard for me to sit on her lap right now.

Apparently it is a big deal though, because Grandma & Grandpa Larson have come to stay with us for a few weeks. Here are Grandma and mommy.

I have gotten to spend some mega quality time with them. And Grandpa makes the most fun food! Here I am eating worm noodles! He also makes me roly-poly pasta and spider pancakes. All of my favorite bugs!!

As I mentioned, it is summer now, so clothes are optional, right? I am creating a chalk masterpiece in the backyard and you certainly don't need clothes on for that!

Showing Grandma my creation and also picking some peas from the garden. She showed me how to eat them right out of the pods. Delicious!

Reading with Grandpa before bed. I showed him how I can count in Spanish to 10 all by myself.

At the park again! (and they do make you wear clothes at the park these days, even in the pool)

Loving the whale pool that Auntie Elise and Uncle Josh got me. Here are Grandpa and me having a water fight. It was nearly 90 degrees yesterday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looks like fun! I wish I was up there with you guys...only a few short weeks!! The baby had better be here by then :) xoxo, auntie E