Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Welcome Caoimhe Pepper Phillips

Born July 1, 2008 to our great friends Nate and Carrie, CPP is now my newest friend. We even played footsie a bit.

What, you don't know anyone named Caoimhe? Well, it's pronounced KEE-va and

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Please congratulate CPP's parents on both the birth of their daughter and for choosing a beautiful name that no doubt drew some scrunched-up American faces. Although I am not yet pregnant, I periodically Google "Caoimhe" (my very favorite name) to see if it's gaining popularity here in the States. I would hate to Anglicize the spelling just to make things easier on my compatriots, a spelling which no one would blink at in Ireland, but I do worry she'll be teased. Anyway, congrats!