Monday, October 25, 2010

October visitors

Oh, hi again. Lots to report for October.
Mom and Anna started running. Here is Anna's new running outfit.

Auntie Elise came to visit for a long weekend. We tested out my new DVD player.

We painted some pumpkins.

And played games on her iPhone. My favorites are Frogger (frog) and Tetris (blocks).

We skipped school and went to the zoo one day. I love to skip with Auntie Elise.

Anna could hardly contain her excitement.

I really enjoy looking at the map and picking out our destination.

We love you Auntie Elise!! Come back soon, ok?

Grandma Connie made a few appearances this month too. We got in some quality play time.

Then Grandma and Grandpa Larson came back (yes, again!) for a week. Here are Grandma and Anna gossiping on the couch.

Anna getting some exercise at Gymboree.

Hi Grandpa Larson!!

Grandma and Grandpa went on my school field trip to the pumpkin patch (Mom was sick). I got to pet a goat, see peacocks, etc etc. But there were no cows.

Here is my pumpkin!

Anna chilaxin in her spider shirt.

Grandpa and Grandma walked me to school before they left for the airport. See you soon guys! I'll be getting on a plane to California in a few weeks to come visit you.

Finally, we got some quality time with Dad reading a book!

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