Saturday, December 20, 2008

For true fans

Can you believe I am almost 1? Here are all of the things I can do:
I can sign water, all done, milk, hello, and bye-bye. I can say all done too, and I like to mimic mommy and daddy talking. I also like to sing. I can point at things I want (mostly at things I can't have like the Christmas tree lights and the kitties). I can understand commands like "come here" and "give Daddy the pacifier". I also understand "no", but I don't like to hear it - it makes me so mad! My favorite game is still peek-a-boo. I can walk everywhere - forwards, backwards and sideways. I have even tried running a few times - my feet move fast but I don't gain much ground yet. I can blow a whistle and blow my nose. I eat a lot of big people food - I really like pasta. I also ate cat poop this week (gross) and it was disgusting as I am sure you probably already knew. Now I know. You may have heard that I am getting three teeth - hopefully that will make eating easier. I can sleep all night long - mommy and daddy are so proud. Did I mention that it is still snowing in Seattle? Stay tuned for some more snow pictures tomorrow.

If you have read all of this you are a true fan and will be rewarded with some slice of life videos.

This video shows what I do all day:

Here is some whistling and a fierce game of peek-a-boo.

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