Saturday, September 12, 2009

Home again

What a week! we moved home and have been busy unpacking. today was our neighborhood block party - I shot some hoops with dad and we also had a visit from the local fire department.

First attempt at a basket didn't go so well...

But then I really got the hang of things.

I was first in line when the fire truck pulled up.

The nice fireman passed out stickers.

Dad and I were just about to tour the cab when they got called out to respond. it was cool to see the lights.

First dinner in our new house!! Big thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Thomas for watching me while mom and dad worked hard moving all of our stuff.

Here I am enjoying a bagel (especially the cream cheese) just before our move (and before mom washed the couch covers). Mmmmm - good.

Mom says to tell you that we will post more pictures of the house once we have unpacked a bit more. things are a little crazy right now.

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