Tuesday, January 15, 2008

First Post: Intro and jazzercise with mom and dad

Hey, I'm Jack. I was born on 1.7.08 at 7:08 AM. I weighed 7.0 lbs and was 20" long. My birth pretty much went like this:


Birth (apparently I'm a boy)

On Mom, having my navel made by Dad

With Dad

Grandma and Grandpa Larson were there for my birth and helped Mom and Dad adjust to life with me.

Then Dad's family came to meet me.

And Grandma Connie stayed with us for a long weekend.

Today is January 15, 2008 and I'm getting much bigger and stronger. My mellowness is my strongest virtue at this point, with attractiveness being a close second. Here's some exercising with my dad.


tbmunger said...

Jack is blessed to be surrounded by those that love him the most. Enjoy every minute.
Lots of love,
Teri M.

Kathryn said...

It's so great to be able to see the family gathering around the birth of this little guy! And to hear his voice...wow, it brings back memories of our two babies. That dog like head wiggle is in anticipation of zoning in on the nipple. He's thinking, "Got milk?," in the original context. Nobody had to teach him that skill. :)

Thanks for sharing these moments with us. Kathryn Sharpe Weinstein.

Jen & Levi said...

Jack you are beautiful! We can't wait to see you on Tuesday.